The Galactic-sized KING of Pacification Agents.

Filed by Long Time Pissed Off Listener.
Full disclosure. I was in the cult of Alex Jones from almost Day One. Oh, back when he was on Ted Anderson’s network. That was back in 1999. So I’ve been observing this guy for a LOOONG time.
It is no longer disputable. Alex Jones is running interference for the Borg. He is deliberately mislabeling the threat behind the umbrella term: Globalists. He refuses to acknowledge the elephant in the room. He remarks that the NWO is a melting pot of all ethnic backgrounds, not just primarily one. If the hot potato word ever comes out of his mouth, he spends five minutes making sure everybody knows that he isn’t saying ALL of this Tribe is guilty, just a few of them. The satanic one or two but not all of them.
Got a good idea who we’re referencing here? Yeah, they think that they’re Chosen. Their Bible is the Talmud, not the Old Testament. Alex Jones has two wives now that are from the Tribe and according to their beliefs, it is the mother that passes the Tribe gene to the children, so all his kids are dual citizens in Israel. His major behind-the-scenes investors are Jewish. His lawyers are Jews. He’s surrounded by Jews. He’s not the most censored man in America. If he was calling out the Jew, he’d be gone in 10 seconds if not sooner. Andrew Anglin is the most censored man in Amerika, not Alex Jones. Alex Jones just plays the most censored man in Amerika on Internet TV.
He’s misdirecting everybody’s attention to look at ChiComs, Islamic terrorists, Saudi Arabia was behind 911, Globalist! Globalist! Globalist!
But never the Jew. This Tribe makes up less than .2% of the world population and they run everything. Everything that matters.
I’m to the point now that I can’t even look at him or listen to his ground glass gargling voice. Constantly bragging about what a sexual Tyrannosaurs he is. How billy bad ass he is and he’s curb stomped this guy when he was a kid, that kid, and he was raised in the trenches of Dallas surrounded by Bad Hombres. The satanists were chasing him through Dallas trying to seduce him with booze, babes, and decadent rituals for fame and fortune. Yeah, boy, he’s seen and done it all and resisted! Yeah, better not get in a fight with this Shrek looking goblin cause he’ll curb stomp you!
Bill Cooper called him out as a fraud. Shortly after that, two cops gunned him down dead at his home. Alex Jones moved in and filled the vacuum with his fat face. Let’s revisit what Bill Cooper said about Alex Jones.
This week (April 22-26), Alex Jones explained why Bill Cooper was pissed off and did the segment you just viewed. Jones claims Cooper was mad at him because Jones cut him off during an interview because Cooper cussed too much. Really Jones? So Jones drops his interview mid-call for cussing and Cooper comes back exposing the shameful fear mongering Jones was engaging in during the run up to Y2K.
Now, consider this little seen video of Alex Jones bullhorning American patriots holding a 2nd Amendment rally in Austin. He’s disrupting and neutralizing a protest over the 2nd Amendment! You can hear people pleading with him Alex why are you doing this?
What’s your lame excuse for this shit show, Jones? There can be no excuse; it’s as clear as your phony rants. You disrupted this rally so badly with your bullhorn that you effectively prevented these people from talking or going forward with their rally. Who ordered you to do this? You hijacked this rally for your own purposes. You made it all about you.
Let’s not forget how he totally smeared the Pizzagate investigations and apologized to James Alefantis (who’s name means I love children in French), the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
I do not support Alex Jones at all anymore. He’s a Jewish operative.
His latest unbelievable bait-and-switch just occurred this week (April 23-24). Jones had attorney Tom Renz on the program and Tom dropped the bombshell that didn’t surprise me at all: Trump advisors are WEF stooges. Shortly after the program ended, Jones had the interview clipped out as a stand-alone video like he always does with good interviews. I immediately linked to the clip and made it the lead story for the day.
On the 24th, I happened to click my lead story link and discovered the page and video was removed from Infowars. It was gone, scrubbed from memory. WTF!? I found the clip on Rumble. Some good little infowarrior had uploaded it there before Jones could scrub it. To date, the clip has not returned to the Infowars front page. Jones concluded that interview with his call to action that everyone needs to get on the bandwagon and spread the word about WEF infiltration of Trump’s camp.
By the next day, no more clip, no more talk of the revelations, and Infowars was humping every other distraction to bury the Renz disclosures. So I have to ask: who called Jones in a panic to turn the ship away from this story?
This is a pretty big deal. If Trump is being led around by the nose by Klaus Schwab — WE NEED TO KNOW THAT. Just like we need to know the identity of the guiding hand behind world events.
I’ve written to Tom Renz about this turnabout maneuver by Jones but he has not responded at all.
On Friday, May 10th, 2024, Alex Jones went on the airwaves and spent half his show making the case that the G5 solar storm that hit the planet over that weekend was a civilization ender, another Carrington Event. The show is linked HERE. Listen to his use of language. It is panic inducing language, carefully chosen words to cause maximum alarm in the listener. When Ben of Suspicious Observers wouldn’t take the bait and go into Jones Panic Amplification Mode, Jones made Ben’s estimate of 10% chance of a kill shot occurring into a scary metaphor: “That’s like taking a revolver with 10 chambers, putting a bullet in, spinning the cylinder and putting it to your head and pulling the trigger.” Followed by his Shivering Schtick and then his waving his arms in the air Schtick.
The Internet doesn’t forget; the archived Internet pages here expose Jones for the Israel protector he is.
The Fitzgerald Informer’s Alex Jones dossier.
James Japan shares why he doesn’t listen to Alex Jones anymore.
Here’s Brother Nathaniel’s assessments of Alex Jones.
Here’s Brother Nathaniel vs. Alex Jones on Jones’ own show. Watch how Jones desperately tries to argue around and deflect the massive truth bombs dropping out of BN’s mouth. It’s delicious watching Jones squirm like this!
Here’s Stew Peters interviewing Brother Nathaniel after the Alex Jones appearance. Listen carefully to what both of them say about Jones and his posture on Jews. Very revealing.
Controlled Opposition Watch outing Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
Alex Jones is a Pied Piper leading the Resistance right off a cliff. He’s pacifying this movement, just like QAnon. His constant bleat to stay within the System, don’t color out of the lines. Peaceful. Nice. Don’t get violent. That’s what the Enemy wants you to do.
Question: how in hell are we going to get justice when the entire rotten Jew-run system is rigged to keep justice out of our hands? Answer: we’ll NEVER win this playing inside the rigged system. Screw these surrender monkeys and their pacification narratives.
Jones is buying time for the control freaks to finish building the electronic gulag around all of us.
Wake up, the clock is ticking.